
When you have to modify the values of the fields by code, there are several ways to do it. The most typical one: $entity->field_name->value = 'foo' $entity->field_name->target_id = 123 but it is the same as doing: $entity->field_name = 'foo' $entity->field_name = 123 That's a shorter way to write the same...
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File permissions, by default on a website, should be 644 for files and 755 for folders. If for some reason you have changed them or if some plugin or module has created directories with different permissions, just run this command from the root directory (www, public_html, htdocs, httpdocs...) to change...
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For those who have never used it, CSS is great, it is a style language (not programming) that allows us to make web pages more beautiful. It allows us to indicate colours, width, height, images, positions, font sizes, everything that has to do with design! CSS has evolved a lot...
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Tokens represent an inline replacement when evaluating or rendering text. In Drupal, the Token module dates back to Drupal 4.xand still exists for Drupal 8 (and Drupal 9). This has long been the backbone of powerful features in Drupal, such as user-configurable dynamic aliases with Pathauto, robust meta tag control...
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Drupal 8 comes with a Diff component in core. It is mainly used to display configuration changes or content revisions. However, it can be used in other ways as well. Here are some quick steps to show how to use the Diff component in your custom forms or controllers. One...
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