
The apt package manager saves a list of packages so you don't have to download it every time. When a Linux installation reaches a certain age the apt cache can take up several tens of gigabytes. APT does not clean the cache automatically, so it may contain obsolete packages in...
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I have done tests with "New Relic", and the truth is that they are expensive but it is worth having statistics of this type. Right now I have some servers that use NewRelic, and others that use Datadog. Both are very good services, they are different, but they are used...
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In all my servers (Linux) I have rs ync installed. Rsync allows to copy files, or rather synchronize them, between different servers. What makes it stand out is that it does it incrementally, fast and in a very simple way. This means that it only sends the files that have...
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In some cases, it is necessary to empty a file without deleting it.A typical case is to have a log file on the server, which has grown excessively and occupies a lot of disk space. To empty the syslog file it can be done as follows: sudo truncate -s 0...
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I have several servers, to facilitate the management and detect incidents I am using dockers and DataDog (in its docker version).For those who don't know, DataDog is a monitoring system for servers. It allows many things. I am only using 2 of them: Infrastructure statistics (CPU usage, RAM, disk space...
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